Monday, June 18, 2012


I don't want to be just another designer shoved in the corner of an ill lighten room of a Printing Agency, with cardboard boxes crowding the already small corner. With a fridge humming right next to my ear and the obnoxious anti-semitic comments made by my current employer with his 'faithful' clients an arising rage boils. This is not where I want to be. Yes, it is a struggle to get to the 'top.' But why must it be? 

It's not like my employer is a bad guy. He's kind of nice. But why the decline in quality design? The whole idea is just 'make it look pretty.' Conceptual thinking has just been flushed out of what should be a designer's "religion."

I want to make something that will implore change. I want to make something profound that can alter the way we see the world, or maybe just make it a little better. Even if we used recycled material instead of the processed shit found everywhere. 

I would like to be surrounded by the contemporary, innovative minds of the design world. I want to have an impact just like they have. No more less than aesthetically pleasing business cards or invoice books that lack any imagination.

I want to make something profound...

and maybe, in the long run, I could be... profound

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